Monday, September 12, 2011


My hair is wet, I'm wearing socks and a sweater, wrapped in a blanket covered in stars and moons (which is kind of making me feel like a lion wizard... you would understand if you could see the blanket), I have an essay proposal to write and a lot of reading to get done by tomorrow so I thought to myself....Why not make a blog! 
So here we are!
Accidents of Atmosphere, The name was actually coined by my art history lecturer talking about Impressionism, He's a pretty rad guy. anyway there are more pressing issues at hand, 
like my growing list of things to buy... and less more important overseas trips to save for.... 
but don't fret baby monkeys here are some delicious shoes for you to enjoy.... and some not so edible shoes too 

At first when I saw these I thought they were ingenious until I imagined wearing bread on my feet.... not so genius now....

 Ah yes, ye olde hamburger shoe...

No I did not google 'edible shoes' to find the first two images just to justify saying delicious/edible shoes.....

For those observant fish who realised there is no link between the blog title and the post you would be wrong  you would be right to think you were right, but you're wrong  there is however a similarity and common element between the post and title, Rex is the name of my afore mentioned art history lecturer....  although apparently he legally changed his name to Tin Tin... anyway this is my way of paying tribute and thanks to Rex for giving me a rad blog name and thanks Alex for remembering  it.